
Kellerbrand in Steindorf: Feuerwehr im Einsatz, niemand verletzt!

Unmittelbar nach dem Kellerbrand am Mittwochmittag in Steindorf sind Feuerwehr und Polizei im Großeinsatz, zum Glück blieb niemand verletzt, aber die plötzlich aufkeimende Gefahr sorgt für Aufregung im Landkreis Aichach-Friedberg!

In Steindorf, located in the southern Aichach-Friedberg district, a fire broke out in a basement on Wednesday afternoon. According to the Friedberg police, everyone inside the affected house managed to evacuate safely, and there were no reported injuries. Firefighters are currently on the scene, working to control the situation.

While the investigation into the cause of the blaze is ongoing, details remain sparse as emergency services continue their efforts. For more updates, keep an eye on developments detailed by

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