
Skandal in der NBA: Spieler gesteht Wettbetrug und Betrügerei!

Ein ehemaliger NBA-Spieler, Jontay Porter, wurde wegen Betrugs aus der Liga geworfen, nachdem ein Komplize in New York zugegeben hat, an einem Wettbetrug beteiligt gewesen zu sein, bei dem er und andere über eine Million Dollar verdienen wollten, was nun zu strengen Strafen führen könnte!

In a significant development in the ongoing sports betting scandal, Long Phi Pham, also known as Bruce Pham, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to a conspiracy charge related to fraud in Brooklyn, New York. This plea comes in the wake of former NBA player Jontay Porter being banned for life from the league earlier this year. Prosecutors revealed that Pham was part of a scheme that involved manipulating Porter into exiting two games under false pretenses, allowing others to profit from bets placed on his underperformance. Pham faces a potential sentence ranging from probation to 20 years in prison, with his sentencing scheduled for April 25.

Additional details in the court filings suggest that Pham and his co-conspirators aimed to collect over a million dollars by leveraging Porter’s supposed injuries or illness. Porter, who last played with the Toronto Raptors, himself pleaded guilty to similar charges in July, admitting his gambling debts led him to participate in the scheme. He withdrew from play during key games, contributing to the conspiracy’s success. As legal proceedings unfold, Pham’s three co-defendants have yet to enter pleas, while Porter’s sentencing is set for December 18, adding a layer of anticipation to this ongoing case. You can find more information on this matter in the detailed report by opinipublik.online.

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