
Drogen-Razzia in Mainz: Zwei Händler hinter Gittern!

In einer spektakulären Aktion von Zoll und Polizei wurden in Mainz zwei mutmaßliche Drogendealer im Alter von 24 und 27 Jahren festgenommen, nachdem Ermittlungen seit Oktober 2022 enthüllten, dass sie über ein Jahr lang mehr als 13 Kilogramm Amphetamin, 8 Kilogramm Kokain und 110 Kilogramm Cannabis gehandelt haben – ein Schock für die Region!

In Mainz, two suspected drug dealers have been arrested during a large-scale operation by customs and police. The pair, aged 24 and 27, are currently in pre-trial detention. Authorities conducted searches at ten locations in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse, confiscating approximately 1.4 kilograms of cannabis and €6,500 in cash. The main suspect, a 24-year-old, allegedly has been involved in drug trafficking activities in the Mainz area, which reportedly included the sale of over 13 kilograms of amphetamines, more than eight kilograms of cocaine, MDMA, and over 110 kilograms of cannabis within the past year.

The investigation, which launched in October 2022, has unveiled suspicions that the 24-year-old might have fled to Spain to continue his dealings. In total, authorities are looking into nine individuals connected to this case across Mainz, Offenbach, and Hattersheim, with the probe driven by analyses of encrypted messaging services used for communication among the suspects. For further details, see the report on

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